About the blog

In February 2007, the Stasiuk Program for the Study of Contemporary Ukraine (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, CIUS) created a blog page for analyses of current events in Ukraine. At first, most of the articles are written by PhD candidate in History, Ilya Khineyko, but subsequently there have been a variety of writers. The articles have continued to generate feedback and discussion, and highlight not only major news items but also debates and discussions on issues pertaining to the various regions of Ukraine as well.

Between 2007 and 2014, the Stasiuk Program had several major areas of interest. Earlier it focused above all on three major areas: Ukraine’s relations with Russia; the Chornobyl nuclear disaster and its ramifications; and the fallout from the Orange Revolution of 2004. In each of these areas it held panels at the University of Alberta and at major conference venues. The Program  has also sponsored, 2003-10, the annual Stasiuk-Cambridge Lecture at Cambridge University,  in cooperation with the Cambridge Centre for Russian and East European Studies and the Ukrainian Students Association of Cambridge University. Since 2008, Cambridge has had a permanent Ukrainian studies program directed by Dr. Rory Finnin.

Contributions are always welcome, but may be edited for content. We also are happy to publish responses to articles, while monitoring for content that may be offensive. The blog site now operates independently from CIUS and the contents are the responsibility of the editor. Since June 2014, the blog has been administered by Tanya Zaharchenko, a recent PhD from University of Cambridge, and myself. Currently the major focus is on the Euromaidan civic uprising and its aftermath, perhaps the greatest crisis in Ukraine’s history but one that also has brought many positive and profound changes, as well as tragic losses.

David R. Marples
Distinguished University Professor, University of Alberta, Canada



  1. Modest Cmoc

    David Marples,
    Good Work!

  2. David and Ilya

    I look forward to reading more. More of this type of analysis is needed


  3. I also would like to add my thanks and appreciation of the articles published in this blog. the blog is well written and well presented. I have added a link to your blog on my own blog.

    Much that is written in the English media is unfortunately tainted by extreme bias and misrepresentation. I find Ukraine to be a dynamic, if not divided, country. It is hits history, culture and its people that make Ukraine one of the words best developing nation.

    I look forward to reading and participating in the debate.

  4. gusnews

    Hello my name is Paul Becker. I run a gusnews.wordpress.com Blog. Are you interesting in a Blogroll?. I allready add you to mine.


    Paul Becker.

  5. Kateryna Malyhina

    is it possible to add own article on Ukraine to this blog? I have translated my new article into English. The link in Russian is here: http://h.ua/story/84206/
    Would like to publish it also in English, when it were possible.

    Best regards,
    Kateryna Malyhina

  6. Yes, I would be happ to publish an English version of this article. Thanks. DRM

  7. Hello, editors!
    Guess i’m the only one representing Russia on this partucular blog..
    Nevertheless, the issue with gas has been for a long time within our countries.
    I’d like to say…. guys…. please…. stop stealing our GAS! for it’s the only thing we keep living on!
    If not ukraine Europe would not have to work out their energy problems.!
    there’s a lot to talk about … anyway… you mentioned to write more on energy problems… and would suggest you NOT! simply not fair. I myself like ukraine. been there many times. it’s great! but the topic stays the same…. Gas is out if question!

  8. bieksia

    A very interesting and informative blog!
    I’ve always been aware of the fact that Russia and Ukraine have much unsettled buisness to attend to. It’s nice to have a more complete insight available.

    As an ‘outsider’ looking in I see Ukraine asserting it’s own identity as a nation. And view Russia’s intentions as one of continued attempts to dominate and intimidate the people of the Ukraine with it’s own selfish goals in mind (buisness as usual). I’m not convinced that the entire Russian population is in line with the desires of Russia’s current leaders yet sadly those who would recognize and respect Ukraine’s independence all too often remain silent.

    Just my opinion!

    Looking forward your future posts.


  9. I would like to see more articles on Ukraine’s Constitutional review and Parliamentary reform.

    The devil is in the detail.

    Yushchenko’s proposed reforms are the greatest threat to democracy facing Ukraine today.

    Having read Yushchenko’s proposed Constitutional reform Ukraine is potentially at a cross roads. It can either become a parliamentary democracy in line with European values and European models or it can adopt Yushchenko’s anti-democratic proposed reforms and revert back to a Presidential autocracy where the President has absolute power and authority of the courts, the government and the parliament.

    Given the constitutional constraints Yushenko has gone about promoting reform the wrong way.

    The Parliament is the only body that can amend Ukraine’s Constitution.

    In accordance with Chapter XIII: Ukraine’s Constitution can only be amended with the consent of no less than two-thirds of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

    In addition amendments to Chapter I — “General Principles,” Chapter III — “Elections. Referendum,” and Chapter XIII — “Introducing Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine,” can only be amended by the parliament of Ukraine on the condition that it is also approved by an All-Ukrainian referendum designated by the President of Ukraine.

  10. Frantz Fanon on violence (the text may be of interest for Mr. Riabchuk and other like-minded intellectuals): http://vpered.wordpress.com/2010/11/22/fanon-de-la-violence/

  11. Hello, my name is Donna Welles and I really like your blog. I have a blog of my own, http://www.DonnaWelles.com, where I talk about a lot of different things but my main field of study if Russia. I look forward to getting to know you better.



  12. Andriy

    Dear foreign journalists! Please make a pressure upon your governments and state authorities. Unfortunately we can see that interest in Europe to the events in Ukraine is decreasing. In case of sanctions against at least one of Ukrainian oligarchs or ministers our way to freedom and democracy will become irreversible. A lot of powerful persons in Ukraine just wait for external signal. Ask (or demand) your governments to provide sanctions!

    Please, we really need your help!

  13. Having browsed your well informed blog. I thought our programme may be of interest to you. We’d be delighted if you saw fit to embed or comment on or ‘vote for’ our programme just shot on British attitudes to the Ukraine situation.

  14. Vera

    Thank you, guys, for such an informative blog. God bless you!

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